Professional Development
Self Analysis and Development
- Analysis of Strength & weaknesses - SWOT
- Personal development plan – PDP
- Continual Professional Development CPD
- Importance of continuing professional development
- Identifying personal development needs & objectives
- Monitoring & reviewing personal development needs & objectives
CPD - Continual Professional Development
- The learning activities undertaken by employees to maintain, improve and broaden the knowledge and skills required in their professional lives
- This is an ongoing cycle which should involve both employer and employee.
SWOT Analysis
Development needs
- Carry out an audit of your knowledge (what you know) and skills (how you put it into practice).
- You need to be assessing what you do at work and where you want your career to take you.
What are my objectives? – these should be specific targets and will be set with your employer as part of an appraisal interview.
- What training do I need?
- What knowledge do I need?
S.M.A.R.T Objectives
To complete Advanced SAGE line 50 by 30 June 20X3
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed
Personal Development Plan (PDP)
PDP – An action plan designed to enable you achieve your CPD aims and objectives. It should include a clear timeframe set for every task or objective, relevant resources, the relevant activity, and how achievements would be measured and evaluated
Meeting Your CPD Objectives
- The objectives could be met through:
- On the job training
- Technical updates
- External training courses
- Research on the internet/publications
- Taking specific qualifications
- Have my objectives been achieved
- Am I happy with my progress
- Is my employer happy with my progress
Recording CPD
Four Areas for CPD Recording:
- Assess –what do you need to learn in order to achieve the CPD goal?
- Plan – how are you going to meet this learning?
- Action – detail what you have learnt from the training
- Evaluate - what else do you need to learn