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Tilapia is a succinct guide to the farming of this popular fish. It examines in detail the fish and its needs, breeding, appropriate farming systems, fish health and the fish farming environment. It sets out in simple terms how to develop a tilapia farm while avoiding the potential pitfalls. Chapters on the costruction of tilapia farms and farm management provide guidance for anyone farming tilapia. There are useful sections on overcoming problems related to health, environment and farming practices. The text is presented ina clear, easy-to-read style and is illustrated with many photographs and diagrams.
ISBN 0333574729, (Macmillan), 1998, 78pp, £7.50,

Freshwater Fish Pond Culture and Management
M. Chakroff

A how-to manual designed as a working and teaching guide for extension agents. Covers planning, construction, management, harvesting and preservation.
ISBN , (VITA), 1976, 196pp, £16.99,

Small-scale Freshwater Fish Farming: Agrodok 15

ISBN 9072746724, (Agromisa), 1996, 74pp, £5.95,

On-farm Fish Culture: Agrodok 21

ISBN 9072746775, (Agromisa), 1997, 60pp, £5.95,

The Country Boats of Bangladesh: Social and economic development decision-making in inland water transport
Eirik G. Jansen, Anthony J. Dolman, Alf Morten Jerve and R. Nazibor Rahman

Discusses decision-making in inland water transport, focusing on official policies towards country boats. Describes the river system of Bangladesh and the constraints imposed by natural conditions and the operational environment.
ISBN 1853390275, (ITP), 1989, 280pp, £25.00,

Sailing Against the Wind: Boats and boatmen of Bangladesh
Eirik G. Jansen with photographs by Trygve Bolstad

Conveys the atmosphere of the unspoiled shipping on the water routes of Bangladesh, aiming to preserve the cultural heritage that over 700 000 traditional country boats, home to millions during the rains, represent in Bangladesh. With 129 photographs.
ISBN 185339159X, (ITP), 1992, 160pp, £25.00,

A Livelihood from Fishing: Globalization and sustainable fisheries policies
Alain Le Sann

A Livelihood from Fishing provides an overview of fisheries and highlights the issues and policies underlying the current fishing crisis, as well as making innovative recommendations to protect and preserve this vulnerable resource and the people it affects. This book is the result of extensive research and over ten years' involvement with fishworkers' associations in the North and South. Written in a clear and concise style, it is accessible to a wide ranging audience. It will be of particular interest to the socially concerned consumer, environmentalists, policymakers, students and all others involved in the protection of marine environment and the plight of workers in the fisheries sector.
ISBN 1853393983, (ITP), 1998, 130pp, £9.95,

Trading the Silver Seed: Local knowledge and market moralities in aquacultural development
David Lewis, Geoffrey Wood and Rick Gregory

Based on original research undertaken as part of the UK ODA's North Western Fisheries Project, this is the first study of social, economic and technical aspects of aquaculture in Bangladesh. The book covers three main themes. First, instead of trying to understand rural society via the different sets of actors involved in agricultural production the authors analyse rural society through the trading activities necessary in aquaculture. Second, these insights have practical implications and this book shows how it is possible to build on existing relationships and technologies and facilitate innovative poverty-focused strategies. One such initiative, the 'fry trader extension strategy' is documented. Finally, the study of the fish trading network demonstrates that a preoccupation with high technology 'quick fix' solutions in development may overlook the indigenous problem-solving strategies of local people and this book documents a particularly striking example.
ISBN 1853393428, (ITP), 1996, 210pp, £19.95,

Aquaculture Training Manual
Donald R. Swift

A practical guide for those new to fish farming. Deals with the more commonly farmed fish, crustacea and shellfish, their growth, nutrition and reproduction. Part two deals with the details of farming salmonids, catfish, tilapia, carp and milkfish.
ISBN 0852381948, (Fishing News Books), 1985, 136pp, £18.99,

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