Agroecology: The science of sustainable agriculture (Second Edition)
Miguel Altieri
Based on new research results and practical findings, this new, revised edition of a classic text re-emphasizes the importance of agroecology as the discipline that provides the basic ecological principles of how to study, design and manage agroecosystems that are both productive and natural resource conserving, and are also culturally-sensitive, socially-just and economically viable. The second edition incorporates new insights and concepts in the hope of helping guide agricultural students, researchers and practitioners to a deeper understanding of the ecology of agricultural systems that will open the doors to new management options more in tune with the objectives of a truly sustainable agriculture.
ISBN 1853392952, 1995, 448pp, (ITP), £17.50
Assessing the Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnologies: Canadian-Latin American perspectives
Brent Herbert-Copley
ISBN 0889367892, 1995, , (IDRC), £14.95
Biodiversity and Conservation
Michael Jeffries
ISBN 0415149053, 1997, , (Routledge), £11.99
Biodiversity Prospecting
ISBN 0915825899, 1993, , (World Resources Institute), £22.50
BOSTID's Conserving Diversity: A Research Agenda for Development Agencies
ISBN 1853393940, , , (IT Publications/Plymbridge Distributors), £9.95
Domestication, Production and Utilization of New Crops
Rdited by J.Smartt and N.Haq
The UN conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 primed the world interest in the improtance of biodiversity. There is a vast potential
ISBN 0854326383, 1997, , (International Centre for Underutilised Crops), £20.00
Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops
Rissler & Mellon
ISBN 0262680858, Jun 1996 Apr 1996, , (MIT Press), £13.5
Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa: Perspectives from Ghana
Edwin Gyasi
ISBN 9280809644, 1997, , (United Nations University Press), £12.50
Growing Diversity: Genetic resources and local food security
Edited by David Cooper with Renee Vellve and Henk Hobbelink
Activists present their experiences of managing plant genetic resources. The contributors document the achievements of farmers in developing crop varieties tailored to their needs, and demonstrate how these approaches can be built upon.
ISBN 1853391239, 1992, 166pp, (ITP), £11.95
The Life Industry: Biodiversity, people and profits
Miges Baumann, Janet Bell, Michel Pimbert and Florianne Koechlin
The diversity of the living world has become the raw material for the new biotechnologies and the object of patent claims. There are many contentious issues surrounding biodiversity and different priorities for the many stakeholders involved. This book presents some of the arguments from the leading experts on the issues as well as reflecting the collective learning and debate from grassroots NGOs, journalists, industrialists and policy makers.
ISBN 185339341X, 1996, 206pp, (ITP), £12.95
Miombo Ecology and Management: An introduction
Emmanuel N. Chidumayo
Miombo forest occurs in a swathe across central and southern Africa. Traditionally shifting cultivators have farmed in miombo, and allowed it to regenerate, but increasingly the demands for land and for fuelwood have resulted in deforestation. This book provides comprehensive details of the climate, environment, ecology and species characteristic of miombo, and describes methods for assessing the timber and other resources, through inventories, in order to use the forest sustainably. Management guidelines give practical advice on propagation and harvesting techniques, as well as discussing how to design plans to conserve biodiversity and to protect water catchments.
ISBN 1853394114, 1997, 192pp, (ITP), £14.95
Monocultures of the Mind
Vandana Shiva
The author, in this new volume, brings together her thinking on the protection of biodiversity, the implications of biotechnology, and the consequences for agriculture of the global pre-eminence of Western-style scientific knowledge
ISBN 1856492184, 1993, 184pp, (Zed Books), £11.95
Nature is Culture: Indigenous knowledge and socio-cultural aspects of trees and forests in non-European cultures
Edited by Klaus Seeland
The startling message of this book is that the so-called virgin forests of the world owe much to their symbiotic relationship with the indigenous peoples who live in and on the margins of the forests. Human activities have for millenia 'managed' (consciously or unconsciously) the world's forests, resulting in a greatly enriched biodiversity. The contributors to the book come from many different scientific disciplines, national and cultural backgrounds. Examples of forests are taken from Asia, Africa and South America, thus reflecting the global nature of the phenomenon. The book's conclusions will have far-reaching implications for all who are concerned with the conservation of forests and their indigenous human population. This book is published in the IT Studies in Indigenous Knowledge and Development Series.
ISBN 1853394106, 1997, 152pp, (ITP), £17.50
Paradise Lost: The ecological economics of biodiversity
Edward Barbier, Joanne C. Burgess and Carl Folke
Ecologists and economists alike recognise that loss of biodiversity is one of the most serious problems the world faces. This book, a unique collaboration between economists and ecologists, argues that an integrated approach can solve the problem.
ISBN 1853831816, 1994, 269pp, (Earthscan), £15.95
People, Plants and Patents: The impact of intellectual property on biodiversity, conservation, trade and rural society
Crucible Group
Decisions about intellectual property, particularly for plant life, have major implications for food security, agriculture, rural development, and the environment for every country in the world. For the developing world, in particular, the impact of intellectual property on farmers, rural societies, and biodiversity will be profoundly important. This book identifies and examines the major issues and the range of policy alternatives as bluntly and as fairly as possible.
ISBN 0889367256, 1994, 117pp, (IDRC), £7.95
Planning for Biodiversity:issues & examples
Sheila Peck
ISBN 1559634014, 1998, , (Island Press), £19.95
Putting Biotechnology to Work
ISBN 0309047854, 1992, , (Heinemann), £19.95
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
ISBN 0140138919, , , (Penguin), £7.99
Towards a Methodology for Costing Biodiversity Conservation UK
ISBN 0117532576, 1996, , (The Stationery Office), £24.00
The Useful Plants of Ghana
Daniel Abbiw
Describes the uses and properties of native Ghanaian plants, many of which have a wide distribution in Africa. The plants are classified by use, and listed by their scientific and Ghanaian vernacular names, and by their English ones if available.
ISBN 1853390437, 1989, 304pp, (ITP), £19.95
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