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Water and Sanitation 

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Buried Pipelines for Surface Irrigation
Robert van Bentum and Ian Smout

A guide to the use of low-pressure pipelines instead of canals for the distribution of irrigation water. Highlights the local techniques using local industries, and the areas where these techniques are appropriate.
ISBN 1853391875, (ITP), 1994, 208pp, £17.50,

Community Health and Sanitation
Edited by Charles Kerr

A community-sensitive approach to the developing world's water supply; for students, trainers and engineers alike. Deals with disease and problems of water in the house and at the source, waste disposal, and education and training.
ISBN 1853390186, (ITP), 1990, 300pp, £14.95,

Community Water Development
Edited by Charles Kerr

This collection of articles from the Waterlines and Appropriate Technology journals covers the areas: sources of water, abstraction, pumping and distribution, and training and maintenance, and is an excellent training guide.
ISBN 0946688230, (ITP), 1989, 280pp, £14.95,

Crops, People and Irrigation: Water allocation practices of farmers and engineers
Geert Diemer and Frans Huibers

In the case studies presented here, irrigation engineers describe water distribution practices as they actually occur in various schemes. Six of the schemes (in Indonesia, Mexico, Portugal and Bolivia) are farmer-managed, and two (in South India and Bali) are managed jointly by farmers and technical officers. The authors relate water flows to social processes and contrast conventional engineering wisdom with the practices they have observed.
ISBN 1853393045, (ITP), 1996, 128pp, £9.95,

Design and Construction of Small Earth Dams
K. D. Nelson

Step-by-step principles of sound construction of these dams. Alerts the amateur builder to the problems.
ISBN 0909605343, (Heinemann), 1985, 128pp, £18.95,

Developing and Managing Community Water Supplies
Jan Davis, Gerry Garvey and Michael Wood

Based on direct field experience this book discusses the issues and stages in the development of water supplies, from the initiation of a programme through to the community management of the supply. The authors are experienced Oxfam water fieldworkers.
ISBN 0855981938, (Oxfam), 1993, 178pp, £8.95,

A Development Dialogue: Rainwater harvesting in Turkana
Adrian Cullis and Arnold Pacey

Describes the Turkana rainwater harvesting project, a water-conservation technology based on priorities identified by local people, adapted by them and in which local pastoralists and gardeners took full responsibility for control and administration.
ISBN 1853391166, (ITP), 1991, 182pp, £27.00,

A Development Dialogue: Rainwater harvesting in Turkana
Adrian Cullis and Arnold Pacey

Describes the Turkana rainwater harvesting project, a water-conservation technology based on priorities identified by local people, adapted by them and in which local pastoralists and gardeners took full responsibility for control and administration.
ISBN 1853391042, (ITP), 1991, 182pp, £12.95,

Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics: An introductory text - second edition
Sandy Cairncross and Richard Feachem

Major tropical diseases can be controlled by environmental measures. This book describes the infections and the interventions that bring the best results. Topics include health, pollution, water supply, excreta, refuse treatment, and disposal and re-use.
ISBN 0471938858, (Wiley), 1993, 310pp, £22.50,

Ferrocement Water Tanks and Their Construction
Simon Watt

Describes how cylindrical water storage tanks of up to 150 cu. m capacity can be built using wire-reinforced cement-mortar. Covers design and planning; costs; standard, recommended and alternative construction methods, and other information.
ISBN 0903031515, (ITP), 1978, 118pp, £9.95,

The Field Guide to Water Wells and Boreholes
Lewis Clark

A practical introduction to the design and construction of boreholes and wells. This book is written as a guide for practising geologists and water engineers whose task is to design and implement water drilling projects.
ISBN 0471932116, (Wiley), 1992, 156pp, £24.95,

Field Hydrogeology (Second Edition)
Rick Brassington

Shows how hydrological and geological information used for water resource development is obtained and assembled. It concentrates on the practical day-to-day problems of the hydrogeologist carrying out a field investigation.
ISBN 0471973475, (Wiley), 1998, 176pp, £19.99,

Field Hydrogeology
Rick Brassington

Shows how hydrological and geological information used for water resource development is obtained and assembled. It concentrates on the practical day-to-day problems of the hydrogeologist carrying out a field investigation.
ISBN 0471932051, (Wiley), 1988, 176pp, £24.95,

Field Hydrology in Tropical Countries: A practical introduction
Henry Gunston

Making hydrological measurements in the field is an essential part of water resources planning and management. This book is an introduction to the practical skills and knowledge required to take measurements and to manage data collection programmes. The author draws on 30 years of experience of working in tropical countries, based with the Institute of Hydrology at Wallingford, UK. After describing the general principles of working with observers, teams and road vehicles in the remote areas of tropical countries (and how to avoid some of the pitfalls) the author discusses in detail various methods of measuring rainfall, streamflow and evaporation. The book is well illustrated with diagrams of hydrological equipment and how to use it, together with photographs of field installations in countries as far afield as Kenya, Ecuador and Sri Lanka, among others. Field Hydrology will be essential reading for water resource professionals, academics, NGOs and fieldworkers.
ISBN 1853394270, (ITP), 1998, 144pp, £12.95,

Gender in Water Resource Management, Water Supply and sanitation
Christine Van Wijik-Sijbesma

ISBN , (IRC), 1998, , £15.95,

Groundwater Dams for Small-scale Water Supply
Ake Nilsson

Looking at inexpensive methods for water supply schemes in rural areas of developing countries, this book examines the suitable conditions and economic factors for different types of groundwater dam, and describes planning and investigation methods.
ISBN 185339050X, (ITP), 1988, 64pp, £7.95,

Groundwater in Urban Development: Assessing Management Needs and Formulating Policy Strategies
Stephen Foster, Adrian Lawrence and Brian Morris

There are increasingly widespread indications of degrqadation in the quality and quantity of ground-water, either serious or incipient, caused by excessive exploitation and/or inadequate pollution control. The scale and degree of degradation varies significantly with the susceptibility of local aquifers to exploitation-related deterioration and their vulnerability to pollution. This World Bank Technical Paper is based on an investigation of the situation in a substabtial number of developing cities worlwide. It aims to raise awareness among policymakers of hydrogeological processes in urban areas, to highlight key urban groundwater issues, to provide a framework for the systematic consideration of the fgroundwater dimension in urban management, and to formulate approaches for more sustainable management of groundwater resources in urban areas.
ISBN 0821340727, (World Bank US), 1998, 54pp, £22.50,

A Guide to the Development of On-site Sanitation
Richard Franceys, with J. Pickford and R. Reed

Provides in-depth technical information about the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the major types of on-site sanitation facilities, from simple pit latrines to aqua-privies and septic tanks, with numerous practical design examples.
ISBN 9241544430, (WHO), 1992, 240pp, £30.00,

Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction
S. B. Watt and W. E. Wood

This definitive work provides step-by-step guidance in the techniques of digging and constructing a well, including the principles of groundwater storage, the actual construction, the materials required, and details of additional sources of information.
ISBN 0903031272, (ITP), 1979, 254pp, £12.95,

Hand Pump Maintenance in the Context of Community Well Projects
Compiled by Arnold Pacey

A guide to the technical and social problems involved in community well projects, with an extension and evaluation of the different types of hand pumps available.
ISBN 0903031701, (ITP), 1980, 44pp, £7.50,

A Handbook of Gravity-Flow Water Systems (New edition)
Thomas Jordan

Originally written for the construction of gravity-flow drinking water systems in Nepal, this book is equally applicable for other locations around the world. Organized for quick reference, it is quickly and easily understood.
ISBN 0946688508, (ITP), 1984, 250pp, £10.95,

Hill Irrigation: Water and development in mountain agriculture
Linden Vincent

Mountain agriculture has attracted attention both for its complex adaptation to particular circumstances, and for its marginality and instability in a changing world. Irrigation plays a range of roles in mountain farming systems and their dynamics or change. Hill Irrigation examines the environmental constraints and socio-economic contexts to successful mountain agriculture, and reviews the policies and technological approaches used to promote irrigation in different mountain regions. This survey is accompaned by a detailed bibliography of over 500 entries of literature on the subject.
ISBN 1853391719, (ITP), 1995, 232pp, £14.95,

How to Make a Rope and Washer Pump Video
Robert Lambert

VHS-PAL format video. Contains two programmes: a 10-minute programme with English commentary on Micro-scale Irrigation, and a 20-minute programme without commentary filmed in Zimbabwe illustrating the techniques described in the book of the same name.
ISBN 1853393568, (ITP), 1989, , £19.95,

How to Make a Rope and Washer Pump
Robert Lambert

Shows how to make a simple, cheap, pump suitable for small-holding and garden use, a pump which can raise water from rivers or wells, with lifts of up to 30 metres. A simple clear text, with line drawings, showing how common materials can be used.
ISBN 1853390224, (ITP), 1989, 32pp, £7.50,

How to Make and Use the Treadle Irrigation Pump
Carl Bielenberg and Hugh Allen

The treadle irrigation pump is able to lift up to seven thousand litres of water per hour using the power of the human body, and can be made locally at low cost in small-scale metalworking shops. Its acceptance in Bangladesh where it was first developed in 1984 is extraordinary, with over 500,000 pumps estimated now to be in use. The current design in this manual has evolved from the Bangladesh original into a fully portable pump with both lift and pressure capacity and is especially good for use in permeable soils where water cannot easily be distributed through channels.
ISBN 1853393126, (ITP), 1995, 77pp, £9.95,

Hydraulic Ram Pumps: A guide to ram pump water supply systems
T. D. Jeffrey, T. H. Thomas, A. V. Smith, P. B. Glover and P. D. Fountain

Step-by-step instructions on designing, installing and operating water supply systems based on hydraulic ram pumps. With illustrations and diagrams, and details of a pump designed for local manufacture and notes for those developing their own model.
ISBN 1853391727, (ITP), 1992, 144pp, £14.95,

Hygiene Evaluation Procedures: Approaches and methods for assessing water- and sanitation- related hygiene practices
Astier Almedom, Ursula Blumenthal and Lenore Manderson

Designed to make qualitative research skills accessible to practitioners with little or no previous training in social sciences, the handbook describes methods of gathering, reviewing and interpreting qualitative information, by using a variety of sources and methods to produce effective, reliable and trustworthy data. Using case studies from Africa and Asia involving field personnel working in water supply, sanitation, and health/hygiene education projects, the handbook was developed as a practical answer to the limitations of using a single method or instrument for information gathering. Alternatives to questionnaires are proposed, including a variety of methods and tools that can be mixed and matched; appraisals of individual methods and tools to help in the selection of the most appropriate combinations for the desired purpose; and a useful selection of common mistakes and pitfalls.
ISBN 0963552287, (INFDC), 1997, 130pp, £7.95,

Latrine Building: A handbook to implementing the Sanplat system
Bjorn Brandberg

This book describes a practical solution to the lack of basic sanitation facilities in the form of a 'Sanplat': a specially designed concrete platform which can be installed easily in rural latrines to improve sanitation and safety. It has footrests to help users find the right position to avoid fouling the latrine; the drop hole is large enough to use comfortably and small enough to be completely safe, even for a child; and it is easy to keep clean. The latrines described here can be built using locally available materials and skills, and are affordable and appropriate to the needs of rural communities.
ISBN 1853393061, (ITP), 1997, 208pp, £9.95,

Low-cost Sanitation: A survey of practical experience
John Pickford

About two billion people in the world have no adequate sanitation provision. This book is a guide to what has been learned about providing sanitation coverage for both rural and urban low-income communities, and outlines what is appropriate, practical and acceptable.
ISBN 1853392332, (ITP), 1995, 176pp, £9.95,

Making the Links: Guidelines for hygiene education in community water supply and sanitation
Marieke T. Boot

Guidelines for hygiene education in community water supply and sanitation.
ISBN , (IRC), 1984, 82pp, £7.50,

Making Your Water Supply Work: Operation and maintenance of small water supply systems
Jan Davis and Francois Brikke

Making Your Water Supply Work will provide project staff and sector professionals with the most recent information regarding trends and developments in the operation and maintanence of water supply systems of small communities. The technologies described in this document are the most commonly encountered in small communities: protected dug well, borehole fitted with a handpump, gravity piped distribution of a spring supply to standposts, rooftop harvesting and motorized pump at village level.
ISBN , (IRC), 1995, 108pp, £10.00,

A Manual on the Hydraulic Ram for Pumping Water
Simon Watt

Part One contains details of how to make and maintain a small hydraulic ram on a suitable site, whilst Part Two takes a more technical look at ram performances and design considerations and also contains a useful bibliography.
ISBN 0903031159, (ITP), 1975, 38pp, £7.50,

Modern Irrigation Technologies for Smallholders in Developing Countries
Gez Cornish

Modern Irrigation Technologies reviews the experience of smallholders with irrigation technologies in a range of diverse conditions in many different countries. Some people argue that modern irrigation technologies are the key to increased foood production. However, projects introducing modern irrigation technologies in the developing world have often failed because the irrigation hardware, which has been developed for high-technology commercial agriculture, cannot be easily adapted for the use of the smallholder. The author identifies the pre-conditions relating to water availability, institutional support and economic opportunity that must be satisfied before smallholders in developing countries can adopt irrigation methods and benefit from them. The circumstances in which modern technologies were introduced are identified, and the relative success or otherwise of the initiatives are summarized. The book also contains a practical review of the range of irrigation hardware that is available and indicates the types of equipment that are more likely to meet the requirements of the smallholder sector. G.A.Cornish is an irrigation engineer with wide experience of technology transfer and staff training on irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa and south and southeast Asia. He currently works at the Overseas Development Unit of HR Wallingford, UK. Modern Irrigation Technologies will be an invaluable guide to project workers, planners and smallholders involved in planning and designing irrigation projects.
ISBN 1853394572, (ITP), 1998, 96pp, £12.95,

Operation and Maintenance of Small Irrigation Schemes
Peter Stern

A companion volume to Small-scale Irrigation, this manual deals with the problems of operation and maintenance at sources of supply, the conveying of water, its distribution, and also advises on drainage, health, and general management problems.
ISBN 0946688745, (ITP), 1988, 48pp, £7.50,

Rainwater Harvesting: The collection of rainfall and runoff in rural areas
Arnold Pacey and Adrian Cullis

This book emphasizes the importance of social, economic, and environmental considerations when planning and implementing projects. For rural development workers, it aims to fill the gap in existing literature on the gathering and storage of water.
ISBN 0946688222, (ITP), 1986, 224pp, £12.95,

Reaching the Unreached: Challenges for the 21st Century
Edited by John Pickford and others

A selection of papers from the 22nd WEDC conference, aiming to find ideas and techniques which will aid fieldworkers in planning, operating and maintaining water and sanitation to 'reach the unreached'. Covering an extensive range of topics, including management, people and health, and emergency situations, the book adopts a multi-directional approach to tackle this challenging task.
ISBN 1853394122, (ITP), 1997, 192pp, £19.95,

Running Water: More technical briefs for health, water and sanitation
Edited by Rod Shaw with an introduction by Ian Smout

This second collection of 32 short, highly-illustrated introductions to appropriate water and sanitation technologies and processes complements The Worth of Water. It covers a further range of subjects from water source selection and handpump maintenance to sanitary surveying, hygiene understanding and community management.
ISBN 1853394505, (ITP), 1999, 144pp, £12.95,

Rural Water Supplies and Sanitation: Blair research bulletin
Peter Morgan

Brings together information concerning practical, realistic and appropriate solutions to a fundamental problem - how to establish and maintain clean water supplies in areas without access to reliable sources.
ISBN 0333485696, (Macmillan), 1988, 360pp, £12.95,

Septic Tanks and Aquaprivies from Ferrocement
Simon Watt

This book describes the potential of ferrocement as a construction material; gives details of how septic tanks and aquaprivy waste treatment and soil disposal units are designed and constructed; and gives details of other low-cost sanitation options.
ISBN 0903031957, (ITP), 1984, 108pp, £9.95,

Small-scale Irrigation
Peter Stern

This excellent, clearly illustrated book has been written for those working with farmers on development and extension in rural areas who do not have much access to the technical know-how needed for developing irrigated agriculture on a small scale.
ISBN 0903031647, (ITP), 1979, 176pp, £9.95,

Solar Water Pumping: A handbook
Jeff Kenna and Bill Gillet

A 'state of the art' survey, with guides to costs and criteria for choice of pumping methods.
ISBN 0946688907, (ITP), 1985, 132pp, £14.95,

Storm Drainage: An engineering guide to the low-cost evaluation of system performance
Peter Kolsky

Millions of slum residents across the world suffer the hazards and misery of frequent flooding of their streets and homes, which may result in savings of a lifetime being washed away in a few hours, damaged property, loss of work and time, and higher risks of diarrhoea, worm infection and other health problems. This manual is written to help engineers, aid and agency workers understand drainage problems more clearly in the developing world, so that they can work towards finding practical solutions. It focuses on three questions of particular relevance to low-income urban areas in developing countries: what is drainage performance? how can we evaluate a drainage system, to access how best to improve its performance? what are the effects of solids in drains upon performance? This manual is the outcome of two-and-a-half years of fieldwork in the city of Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, India and can be used as a practical aid by municipal engineers, consulting engineers and engineering instructors and students, as well as development and aid workers involved in drainage systems.
ISBN 1853394327, (ITP), 1999, 152pp, £12.95,

Surface Water Treatment by Roughing Filters: A design, construction and operation manual
Martin Wegelin

This publication, which is divided into two parts, presents water treatment alternatives particularly applicable to rural water supplies in developing and newly industrialized countries, and describes processes for solid matter separation. The focus is on the design, construction and operation of prefilters and roughing filters, with short stories illustrating the problems encountered, making this manual lively and easily understandable.
ISBN 3908001676, (SKAT), 1996, 167pp, £10.95,

Surface Water Treatment for Communities in Developing Countries
Christopher Schultz and Daniel A. Okun

This book discusses the basic considerations that need addressing when designing or building water treatment plants. Also presents a series of appropriate treatment requirements and processes for plants for use by communities in developing countries.
ISBN 1853391425, (ITP), 1992, 300pp, £14.95,

Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Systems
Edited by John Pickford, Peter Barker, Bob Elson, Cath Ferguson, Jeremy Parr, Darren Saywell, Rod Shaw and Brian Skinner

This book comprises forty papers from the 21st WEDC conference, held in Kampala in 1995, on the theme of sustainability of water and sanitation systems. Developing countries experience special difficulties in maintaining systems in full working order, so maintenance is a recurring topic. Other wide-ranging topics include the sustainable development of underground and surface water resources, and sustainable hygiene education to enable communities to derive long-term benefits from new or improved facilities.
ISBN 1853393398, (ITP), 1996, 176pp, £19.95,

Sustainable Sewerage: Guidelines for community schemes
R. A. Reed

This handbook describes how conventional sewerage schemes can be modified to reduce the cost of construction and maintenance and suggests methods of prioritizing sewerage needs. Also surveys planning, selection, design, management and maintenance of community schemes as well as providing financial and technical guidance on cost-effective practice and procedures.
ISBN 1853393053, (ITP), 1995, 112pp, £9.95,

Wasting the Rain: Rivers, people and planning in Africa

This book offers an experienced and constructibe evaluation of the ways on which water resources have been developed in Africa. It argues that the best hope of appropriate development lies in working with local people using local knowledge. It examines a range of modern, large-scale developments, where the record has been so poor. It also explores the strength and diversity of indigenous water development, showing how, by building on the skills and concerns of small farmers and others directly affected, a viable alternative is available - an approach which can be applied elsewhere in the world as well.
ISBN 1853830895, (Earthscan), 1992, 254pp, £12.95,

Water and Sanitation for All: Partnerships and innovations
John Pickford

Water and Sanitation for All is a collection of selected papers from the 23rd WEDC Conference in Durban, South Africa on partnerships and innovations to assist in achieving water and sanitation for all. The forty-four papers cover a wide range of topics, including ways in which innovative water and sanitation processes and technologies can be introduced. Water and Sanitation for All is designed for professionals who are working to plan, provide, operate and maintain hygiene, water and sanitation schemes and programmes.
ISBN 1853394440, (ITP), 1998, 186pp, £19.95,

Water and Sanitation in Emergencies
Andrew Chalinder

One of ODI's Good Practice Review series produced by the Relief and Rehabilitation Network, this book provides a short, accessible overview of what may be considered good practice in the field of emergency water and sanitation. It is aimed at those who are not specialists but who may have to be involved in decisions about water and sanitation activities. Examples are drawn from recent relief programmes and seven different scenarios are used to illustrate good practice.
ISBN , (Relief & Rehabilitation Network), 1994, 114pp, £10.00,

Water Pumping Devices: A handbook for users and choosers (Second edition)
Peter Fraenkel

Efficient and effective irrigation of the land can have a dramatic effect on the agricultural output and economic well-being of a community. The smallholdings, defined in this book as up to 25 hectares (60 acres), can be the source of a significant proportion of a country's food production. At the heart of effective irrigation lies the problem of lifting or pumping water, and this handbook, newly revised and reformatted, surveys the water-lifting technologies that are available and appropriate for smallholdings. It is a detailed and practical review of the options, especially for irrigation but also for other purposes, and the costs and general suitability of the different technologies are examined with the aim of enabling farmers and policy makers to make informed choices.
ISBN 1853393460, (ITP), 1997, 224pp, £19.95,

The Water Sellers: A co-operative venture by the rural poor
Geoffrey D. Wood and Richard Palmer-Jones

Analyses an innovation in rural development, whereby groups of landless labourers are helped to invest in irrigation equipment and provide a service to farmers, whose holdings may be so dispersed as to make mechanized irrigation technology impractical.
ISBN 1853390844, (ITP), 1991, 274pp, £17.50,

Water Supplies for Rural Communities
Colin and Mog Ball

Presents lessons learnt by VSO and other organizations over more than 30 years of working on rural water supply projects, and will be essential reading for anyone involved in implementing water projects, from engineers to hydrologists to health workers. Published in the VSO ECOE Programme series.
ISBN 1853391123, (ITP), 1991, 64pp, £7.50,

Water Supply: Energy and environment technology source book
Vijita Fernando

The goals of this book are to promote understanding of water supply technologies and water supply management to enable women to make informed choices. The book also contains information on how to assess the suitability of different water supply options and how to find financial and technical assistance. This book is suitable for use by technical and non-technical project managers, project staff, extension officers, trainers and consultants concerned with women in development and women's organizations.
ISBN 1853393444, (ITP), 1996, 80pp, £7.95,

Water Treatment and Sanitation
H. T. Mann and D. Williamson

A handbook of simple methods for rural areas in developing countries. This corrected and revised impression includes a new appendix on planning in developing towns.
ISBN 090303123X, (ITP), 1982, 96pp, £7.50,

Water Wells: Implementation, Maintenance and Restoration
Michel Detay

ISBN 0471966959, (Wiley), 1996, 394pp, £34.95,

Waterharvesting and Soil Moisture Retention: Agrodok 13

ISBN 9072746759, (Agromisa), 1997, 92pp, £5.95,

Women and Water-Pumps in Bangladesh: The impact of participation in irrigation groups on women's status
Barbara van Koppen and Simeen Mahmud

The increasing availability of mechanized irrigation pumps in rural Bangladesh has opened up the possibility for NGO-supported groups of poor people to become owners of a pump and to use the water for irrigating household land and/or for sale. Women's participation and the impact on their status has been studied in 35 female and mixed-sex irrigation groups dispersed over the country, supported by five different NGOs and the Grameen Bank. The book describes the backgound, methodologies and conclusions to the studies in detail, with summaries of the policy implications.
ISBN 1853393363, (ITP), 1996, 256pp, £12.95,

The Worth of Water: Technical briefs on health, water and sanitation
With an introduction by John Pickford

Brings together a series of short, highly illustrated introductions to many of the main technologies and processes in the field of village and community level water and sanitation, ranging from household water storage to public standposts.
ISBN 1853390690, (ITP), 1991, 144pp, £12.95,

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