Nice video and it's original... certainly something else; it's about time there was something more creative than just standing around in hallways/carparks. The video is just clips from Fritz Lang's 1927 movie "Metropolis" (which is an old school B&W classic sci-fi epic that basically inspired a ton of newer films like "Matrix", and "Blade Runner" etc... Not only that but it's highly relevant to the song. Must have took a lot of effort to edit the clips to relate to the lyrics. Also great track, good rappty rapping, and amazing TUNE. The production on this song is sweet too. The song is an attack on Modern Western life and our obsession with material things rather than the lives of others and how the Goverment portrays the world and how they show the world to the audience of us and how we take it in and the effects it has on us. While the video is unique, they really needed to shoot an alternate video for MTV base.