Oh yeah, it’s BACK, and it’s still awesome. Michael Scofield and his starry-eyed gaze kick some serious ass as season 3 begins. I LOVE the Sona concept, with the guardless but not lawless prison that’s run by prisoners, and all the subtle character touches that went along with it. My favorite unspoken moment of the show was Michael staring out at the guards hauling off dead bodies, and you can see the wheels start to turn, and then the guards shoot the bodies in the head for good measure and you can see the wheels grind to a halt again. Fabulous. Also fabulous, Mahone fitting right in and advising Michael to fight dirty by kneecapping a guy, and Michael then DOING IT. Also fabulous, T-Bag immediately sucking up to the big boss as only he can, while Bellick goes the opposite route and cleans toilets for rat meat. At least I HOPE it’s rat meat and not anything else.
As for Linc and the new Mysterious Lady, I don’t give a crap, just give me more of Oz 2.0 as they bring the violence and hatred and darkness this year. Slam dunk premiere.