Say what you want about Dizzee going mainstream, but at least he has great taste in cars. The music is so original, it's a shame the video is not, which is surprising because this looks like the first Dizzee video where he had a big budget to play with. You can probably say that no 3 minute 10 second song has had more words in it. Just how the hell can that boy rap rap so fast? Some good beats in this one and also love the electronica. Oh, and LOL @ "I'll stretch your arsehole without straining" That's quite an unpleasant sentiment. I don't think I'd like to hang out with Mr. Rascal. Now I understand why those girls were dancing like that... poor things!
I like the British spin he put on an American staple in the video, since American rappers make videos showing girls gettin out of cars with spinning rims and since Dizzee is proud to be British, he's takin it off by putting spinnin rims on a really British looking car and having 'London' put on the sign. It's so fugly that its actually cool.
Fun Fact: This song was heard in 40 Year Old Virgin before that drunk chick pukes in his mouth.