- Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Don West.
- From Trenton, New Jersey. Original airdate: 8/10/08
- Sting arrives without his make-up on and he refuses to talk. Way to make Sting seem less cool, mysterious and threatening by making him look like a balding, stocky PTA Father.
- F.I.L.T.H.E.E., and Grandmaster Caz open the show with the tune we've been hearing all month hyping the PPV. HAHA, No reaction for these guys. The crowd finally pops for the hasbeen rappers leaving. Thank God that's over.
- X Title, Opening match: Petey Williams v. Consequences Creed w/ Fro
Crowd seems to be in complete mild mode, but then again Creed's whole push since his redebut has been "Hey, here's this guy! He's a good guy! Cheer for him!" Creed's Fro should absorb all the impact of the Canadian Destroyer. Damn Daivari looks BUFF. Crowd is quite behind Petey right now as they do a Boo-Yay sequence, with Creed getting the boos. Jersey is trying to be "bizarro land". Damn that Defiant NJ crowd! Nice to see Mike Tenay simply own up to the crowd being behind the heel, rather than trying to give us the runaround. Creed D T on Rhaka Khan! Wow Don West LOVES Man on Women Violence. End came when Petey retains the X Title by pinning Creed with the Canadian Destroyer (after teasing it for like 6 times), after Sheik Abdul Bashir interferes and hits Creed with a steel chair.
X champion Petey Williams d. Consequences Creed, Canadian Destroyer -- pin (***1/2) Really fun X opener.