Hill Park Autistic Trust

The History of Hill Park Autistic Trust

The charity known as Homes for Able Autistic Adults (HAAA) was formed in the 1980s by a group of parents concerned about the lack of residential accommodation for their adult children. Through the work of the charity and with the help of Bexley Council and a local Housing Association, Frank House was built and opened in 1991.At that time, legislation prohibited a charity from managing a residential scheme and Hill Park Housing Association (HPHA) was formed, as the managing agent of Frank House and later, the outreach service.

In 2006, in view of considerations for expansion and due to changes in Charity regulations, where previous restrictions were repealed, HPHA decided to make application to become a registered charity and change its name to reflect this. Thus, in July 2006, Hill Park Autistic Trust was incorporated with charitable status, whilst continuing to perform the previous responsibilities of HPHA. The assets of HAAA were transferred to the new Trust and the former currently remains as shell company until such time as legislation is approved to allow legacies and bequests to be freely transferred between charities. HAAA will then be dissolved.

Frank House registered with the Commission for Social Care Inspection and is accredited by the National Autistic Society Accreditation Programme.

Registered Charity No: 1116469

Patron: Joe Absolom

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