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Development - Finance and Fundraising 

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Practical Fundraising for Individuals and Small Groups
David Wragg

In an increasingly competitive market, it is essential to target fundraising efforts properly in order to raise the support needed for the running of the organization. This readable book provides information and advice on how to become a successful fundraiser by covering areas such as support, media and approaches. Written with group in the North in mind, it's principles can be applied elsewhere.
ISBN 0749914769, (Piatkus Books), 1995, 191pp, £8.99,

Towards Greater Financial Autonomy: A manual on financing strategies and techniques for development NGOs and community organizations
Fernand Vincent with Piers Campbell

This manual has two aims; to present different strategies that can be adopted by Southern development organizations in order to achieve greater, or even complete, financial autonomy and to describe a wide variety of practical techniques that will help organizations to reach this goal.
ISBN 2883680035, (IRED), 1989, 267pp, £21.95,

The Worldwide Fundraiser's Handbook: A guide to fundraising for Southern NGOs and voluntary organisations
Michael Norton

Covering all the major sources of funds, from private individuals to governments, foundations and companies, and all the major techniques, from income generation activities to direct mail and organizing fundraising events.
ISBN 1873860757, (Directory of Social Change), 1996, 270pp, £12.95,

Writing Better Fundraising Applications: A practical guide with worked examples, exercises and ideas for worksheets (2nd Edition)
Norton & Eastwood

A good application alone will not get a project funded, but it is an important part of a fundraising approach. This book covers all the stages in the process and offers practical advice, worked examples and exercises.
ISBN 1900360209, (Directory of Social Change), 1992, 80pp, £12.95,

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