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Specialist Book List on International Debt Issues 

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Big Business, Poor Peoples: The impact of transnational corporations on the world's poor
John Madeley
ISBN 1856496724, 1999, (Zed Books), £14.95

Breaking the Chains
1999, (Jubilee 2000 Coalition), £4.50

Debt and Development
Stuart Corbridge
Debt and Development is a summary of the latest development across the entire field of geograpy. This book's main aim is to show the student how to read the debt crisis, in terms of stastistical sources which are available to trace it's progress. This book offers an exciting new approach to the study of the international debt crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, and its economic and geo-political consquences.
Part one is about the debt crisis in 'fact' and aims to provide the 'standard narrative' of the debt crisis from the OPEC oil price rises onwards, ending with the most recent attempts at crisis management. Part is about ideas and the way in which the debt crisis is theorized and produced in discourse, moving into the direction of discourse analysis. Here Stuart Corbridge demonstrates how the debt crisis might be interpreted from three different perspectives: a free market 'system-stability' approach; a Keynesian 'system-correction' approach; and a Marxian 'system-instability' approach.
To conclude the authour briefly considers how these competing perspectives on debt and development might be judged. This book will be welcomed by students and teachers of geography , development studies, economics, international realations and political science.
ISBN 0631181385, 231pp, (Blackwell), £16.50

The Debt Boomerang: How Third World debt harms us all
Susan George
Argues that the North is now the victim of the crises caused by the structural adjustment measures of the IMF and World Bank. The South's debt accelerates deforestation, destroys farms and jobs, leads to mass immigration, and heightens global conflict.
ISBN 0745305946, 1992, 202pp, (Pluto Press), £12.99

Faith and Credit: The World Bank's secular empire
Susan George and Fabrizio Sabelli
The authors examine the Bank's policies, its internal culture and the interests it serves, revealing a supranational, non-democratic and extremely powerful institution which relies on rigid doctrine, hierarchy and a rejection of dissenting ideas to perpetuate its influence.
ISBN 0140241019, 1994, 282pp, (Penguin), £7.99

A Fate Worse Than Debt
Susan George
ISBN 0140135707, (Penguin), £8.99

Freedom from Debt: Reappropriation of development through financial self-reliance
Jacques Gelinas
ISBN 1856495868, 1998, (Zed Books), £14.95

The Globalisation of Finance: A citizen's guide
Kavaljit Singh
ISBN 1856496929, 1998, (Zed Books), £12.95

Hot Money and the Politics of Debt
R.T. Naylor
ISBN 1895431948, (Black Rose Books), £11.99

In Our Own Backyard
1999, (Jubilee 2000 Coalition), £5.00

International Monetary Fund and the Debt Crisis: A guide to the Third World's dilemma
Peter Korner
ISBN 0862324882, (Zed Books), £14.95

Masters of Illusion: The World Bank and the poverty of nations
Catherine Caufield
ISBN 0330353217, (Macmillan), £ 6.99

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